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Are you considering hip or knee surgery?
Worried about your incision after surgery?
Here are some things to know.

What is a surgical site infection (SSI)?
Surgical site infections are infections that occur after surgery in a part of the body where the surgery took place.1Know the facts!
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the number one reason patients have to go back to the hospital after total joint surgery.2 These infections may require treatment with additional surgery and longterm antibiotics.1Can an infection be prevented?
Up to 60% of surgical site infections are considered preventable.2 Ask your surgeon what they could do to help prevent surgical site infections after surgery.What does the PICO◊ Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (sNPWT) System do?
The dressing helps provide protection to the incision from external contaminates.3- The pump applies compression to the area, increasing blood flow, and providing the surgical site with an environment that may help promote wound healing.4,5
- The gentle dressing adhesive makes application and removal easy.6,7
- The dressing is splashproof allowing patients the ability to shower.6
- Patients can continue daily activities while wearing the PICO system.6
Can the PICO System help improve the outcome of my incision?
Results vary, but in many cases improvement can be seen after the first dressing is changed. Discuss with your doctor what results you may expect.8
Important safety notes
Not all patients are candidates for the Smith+Nephew products, and individual results with use of the PICO sNPWT System will vary. Discuss your condition and options with your surgeon. The information provided herein is for informational purposes and is not meant as medical advice. Postoperative care is individualized and is determined by the physician. For more information, please talk to your surgeon.The decision to use Smith+Nephew products should be made by a healthcare professional, in line with applicable local protocols. Smith+Nephew products should always be used for the indications set out in the applicable Instructions For Use. The PICO pump contains a MAGNET. Keep the PICO pump at least 4 inches (10 cm) away from other medical devices at all times. For full product and safety information, please see the Instructions for Use.
- American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. (2020, August 20). Surgical Site Infections. Retrieved from AAOS: https://www.aaos.org/globalassets/quality-and-practiceresources/surgical-site-infections/ssi-patient-handout--final.pdf
- Zmistowski, B., et al. Unplanned Readmission After Total Joint Arthroplasty: Rates, Reasons, and Risk Factors. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Oct 16;95(20):1869-76. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.
- Smith & Nephew February 2011.Bacterial Barrier Testing (wet-wet) of PICO dressing with a 7 day test duration against S. marcescens. Internal Report. 1102010
- Malmsjo M. et al. Biological effects of a disposable, canisterless Negative Pressure Wound Therapy system. Eplasty 2014; 14:e15.
- Scalise A, Calamita R, Tartaglione C, et al. Improving wound healing and preventing surgical site complications of closed surgical incisions: a possible role of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. A systematic review of the literature. Int Wound J. 2016;13(6):1260-1281.
- Data on File DS/18/015/R. Summary Wound Model Report for Opal PICO 7. January 2018.
- Smith & Nephew May 2015.A prospective, open, non-comparative, multi-centre study to evaluate the functionality and dressing performance of a new negative pressure enhanced dressing (NPED)in acute wounds (CT09/02). Internal Report. ST865 CT09/02.
- Tanaydin V, Beugels J, Andriessen A, Sawor JH, van der Hulst RRWJ. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018;42:927-935.